Getting Google AI API Key

When you go to AiBud WP > Settings page you will see Google AI Api Key section.

To utilize Google Gemini language processing capabilities for developing more engaging and customized content, you need to have an Google API Key.

How to get Google AI API Key

To get a Google AI API Key, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the Google AI Studio website ( and login via Google account if you are not logged in.

  • Once you have created an account and logged in, navigate to the "Get API Key"( section of the website. \

  • You need to select a project for this API key, you can create a new project or choose an existing one\

  • You can now use this API Key to access Google Gemini AI language processing capabilities and develop more engaging and personalized content.\

It's important to note that Google AI charges for API usage based on the number of requests you make and the amount of data you process.

You can find more information about pricing on the Google AI website.

Last updated